About us

Intaff is a London-based not-for-profit research centre on Security and Intelligence
studies. It was founded in 2018 to analyse geo-political events in collaboration with
Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Centre, an Israeli based research
group. Intaff draws on the experience and expertise of international strategic
thinkers, academics, psychologists, journalists, policy advisers, current and former
intelligence professionals.

Human Behaviour Analysis

One has, I think, to reckon with the fact that there are present in all men destructive, and therefore anti-social and anti-cultural, trends and that in a great number of people these are strong enough to determine their behaviour in human society” (Freud, 1927/1991: 368).

Intelligence Analysis

The application of individual and collective cognitive methods to weigh data and test hypotheses within a secret socio-cultural context. (CIA)


The theory of the state as a geographical organism or phenomenon in space. It is the “science of the state,” whereby the state’s natural environment provided the framework for a power unit’s pursuit of “inexorable laws of progress.” Rudolf Kjellén.

Focus Area

Latest articles from our contributors

Future direction of terrorism research

A metadata search of state-of-the-art of terrorism research trends reveals a fairly siloed investigative and research approach to the field, that tends to […]

AI and Counterterrorism

Technology, it is said, progresses at an exponential rate. Recent progression, such as the IoT, blockchain and other forms of technology have kept […]

37 Projects Worldwide

Intaff is a not-for-profit and non-governmental organisation setup to analyse geo-political events and provide risk assessments to clients.

Our Experts

Intaff team consists of highly talented individuals, who have advised clients in sectors such as Intelligence, counter-terrorism, cryptocurrency, serious and organised crime, energy and mining sector.

Cynthia Storer

Cynthia Storer is a veteran intelligence analyst in the war on al-Qa'ida, having
worked it from the beginning in the early 1990s. Since leaving CIA in 2007, she has
been involved in a variety of projects that involve teaching, research, speaking,
analysis and consulting.

Dr. Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin

Dr. Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin is a psychoanalyst, Arabist and internationally renowned
counter terrorist expert who has worked extensively with military, law enforcement
and mental health professionals.


Sean has been an HMG Civil Servant since 2008, where he started his career as a
strategic risk adviser and later as a policy adviser. He has had multiple overseas
deployments including secondments across several government departments
including; the Home Office, Foreign Office, Ministry of Defence and Department for
International Development.

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